About us

Real People 

Real people have dreams, and the stubbornness to pursue those dreams. We are the people who do and persist till we birth ideas into life. And for us in this part of the world, we are the ones who ask questions, won't settle for the status quo and must push the boundaries of what is possible in our sphere. We are the ones who cause a stir when we visit other lands and then return home to shake things up. These are the minds we share our time and passions with. So now let me ask you...how real are you?  


We believe

We believe quality can come from Africa. When we started in 2011, most of the products made here were considered as "arts and craft", had poor presentation and were often bought as a show of "patriotic sympathy". We decided to change this trend, and set out to create a brand with products we could be proud of.

          Built Here Goes Anywhere
